Our manifesto – The Society responds to the election Promises.

It is important that we set out response to the political parties as we approach the election. The Society had undertaken a great deal of work up to the announcement of the election and we are keen to ensure that none of this is lost. Dental nurses can play an enormous part in intervention and prevention and supporting allied health professionals, carers and parents. It is clear that there are misunderstandings of what roles dental nurses can play, not only across the profession but also in the public eye and allied healthcare professions.

The oral health SIG is keen to show support for the proposed oral health plans and acknowledge they are a starting point but make it clear that we need to look of the bigger picture – inequalities. The SIG is also keen to emphasise that oral health wellness must be looked at across the life course and not just in the very young. The manifesto will become downloadable to members this week, we hope you are able to support the work to date.