AGM sees the acceptance and adoption of Articles of Association Amendments and Updates to the Membership Terms of Reference

The Society has never been an organisation that stands still. In the fast moving environment and an environment that is seeing a change in the mood and demands for difference nobody can be so foolish as to not move with the times, or ignore the future possibilities.

We are pleased to acknowledge some of the new dental nursing groups and hope those gaps that they believe need filling can certainly be addressed. With approximately 60,000 dental nurses on the register ( accepting that this figure is questionable in one sense), there is much to do and from different perspectives. There is after all little to be gained from the standpoint of ‘we have always done it that way‘ dental nurses have a greater interest on what is possible and what is right and at times stand back and wonder just how far goodwill can be stretched.

With the current day dental nurses in mind, those coming through the numerous training paths, and those yet to enter the arena we acknowledge that we have a duty to be part of their journey, to support their hopes and perhaps their fears and to help them to navigate their way through a promised land, but with hope.

The Annual General Meeting in 2023 followed the Committee meeting and was an interseting meeting, with a braod discussion and the approval of motions to continue to offer what we can well to our members and followers. After numerous discussions with the legal advisors the amendments to the Articiles of Associations were approved and are currently being updated. This is also the case for the Members Terms of Reference, it is key that the right people have the right voice and have the right to contribute to our work, we have also looked closely at our membership categories, the requirements and expectations on advice and we will be updating this in the website soon.

Both sets of amendments are being applied as of November 2023, there is little change to the Membership Terms of Reference for the majority of our members. Those affected are those who are seen to hold roles of influence or Office in similar organisations and those who become elected officers mid membership cycle with the Society. Also those whose membership lapses whilst holding an SBDN indemnity policy, as the indemnity is a members benefit only and is not available in isolation to membership. If you are unsure about any of these matters please do get in touch and arrange a meeting with the Executive

Back row left to right: Amanda McLaughlin (OC), Lesley Redman (Chair Int), Emma Riley (Membership Secretary)

Front row left to right: Heidi Cresswell (Treasurer), Clare Faulkner (President elect), Tracy Wallis (President), Tony Benford (AdminS), Donna Lightbody (NI) – Nicola Sherlock – General Secretary (Photographer!)

Online – Dr Janine Brooks (Hon Fellow), Fiona Ellwood (Exec)

Apologies: Elaine Tilling (Hon Fellow), Lucy Williams (Board of Exec), Brigette Gouda (Advisor), Stay Topping (NI), Emilia Forrester (EM), Amber Williams (EC), Robynn Rixse (Int), Sarah Francis (W), Lisa Andrews (CL), Clare Doyle (MH).