Every year the Society undertakes a survey to take a close look at the dental nursing arena. This year the survey fields have been expanded to incorporate some of the fields added by the General Dental Council’s Workforce Data Collection Report. You may recall that the Society were asked to present the impact of the findings in relation to the dental nursing workforce in 2024, at the Leadership Network Meetings.

We acknowledged that whilst this was a snapshot of a very narrow window (July 2024), it did attract a response from over thirty-six thousand dental nurses, more than half of those listed as dental nurses on the General Dental Council register.

With 5 minutes to provide a position statement, the slides had to be slick and succinct, it would appear that a good job was done.
So, please help us continue doing what we do every year: gather data to get a sense of what is happening across all the nations and settings, where dental nurses are employed.

Thank you