Dental Nurse Poster – Wall of fame for the NHS Celebrations

The Society are pleased to share the pictures of those dental nurses who came forward to celebrate the NHS 75the Anniversary. Some pictures are of some of our award winners/runners-up for 2022. Can you spot a colleague?

The nhs is marking 75 years of service on the 5th July 2023 – a huge milestone. In 1948 the NHS came to fruition and has according to records, evolved over many generations. Information found on the NHS website the NHS is represented by 200 nationalities, detistry is quite often omitted from NHS discussions but sits both within secondary and primary care, as well as in community settings, secure settings and the armed forces. We are therefore taking this opportunity to join in the celebrations as part of the wider NHS family and in support of our health care colleagues.

Thank you for supporting our work for the 75th Anniversary – please remember we are ending the week with a webinar ‘History of Dental Nursing’.