‘The Society’ acknowledges the GDC’s position on professional indemnity and has worked in conjunction with a provider to create a purposeful indemnity policy in order to meet what we consider to be the needs of the dental nurse profession. This is optional to our membership, rather than mandatory. Legal Advice is also provided by the indemnifier; we also have good links with a local law firm.
We would urge you to be sure you have the correct and appropriate indemnity policy for the dental activity you undertake.
SBDN Indemnity Scheme, putting our members at the heart of everything we do, excellence in learning and in practice.
In July 2022, we launched the new SBDN Indemnity Scheme – an insurance policy developed for Dental Nurses in conjunction with dental nurses – listening to the voice of our members and those who are early career, as well as those returning to the profession and those thinking of retiring.

All too often we hear of the confusion surrounding indemnity and both the scope of the policy and the cost have always been areas of concern. The fees from providers are driven by risk, it could perhaps be argued that because of the limited scope of practice that is given to the dental nurse we would expect that the risk is lower than other dental professional groups and therefore that this should be reflected in the overall fees of indemnity.
The SBDN policy offers retro date cover (retroactive date) this covers you for your previous policy if it was a Claims Made policy. Not all previous policies will have been a Claims Made policy, some are Claims Occurrence policies and therefore the retrospective cover is not needed. The policy is also pro-rata, which means you can take out the indemnity policy any month of the year and the cost of the policy will be adjusted accordingly.
Our existing members have said that policies often neglect those who have career breaks and those who do not wish to undertake additional duties. Many have voiced concerns that on such low incomes and having to pay the Annual Retention Fee, as well as fees for mandatory Enhanced Continual Professional Development that you simply need a fair, competitive, and affordable indemnity policy. You said it, we responded.
SBDN as an organisation is member-centric and made up of working dental nurses as well as other dental experts and know only too well what is needed in an indemnity policy and so, we have made the decision to provide our members with our own indemnity scheme.
What do I need to know?
Members are under no obligation to take out indemnity through the SBDN indemnity scheme (offered via our insurance Broking Partner). There is a dedicated email and phone number for those who wish to enquire about this indemnity scheme. The SBDN indemnity scheme is a member benefit and as such you will need to provide your membership number when taking out this indemnity.
No – these are paid for separately. This is to give you the freedom as to whether to take out the Indemnity with SBDN/BGP or anyone else.
Once you have completed your form and paid the indemnity fee you are automatically covered. Your membership must be up to date too.
The indemnity provided is a medical malpractice / professional indemnity insurance policy designed to cover the scope of practice of a Dental Nurse, as well as teaching, assessing and UK humanitarian work. Various limits of indemnity are available depending on your requirements and optional extensions to your cover are available, such as public liability insurance. This cover is offered on the claims made basis.
Tel: 02037576950
No you are not covered for this
The policy period shall be automatically extended for 12 months in the event of any of the following happening from the date of its occurrence:
- The death of the Named Insured;
- The permanent retirement of the Named Insured; or
- The permanent incapacity of the Named Insured; or
- The maternity or paternity leave of the Named Insured provided the Named Insured does not renew this policy.
However, you can purchase run-off cover if you wish to extend this period.
You are covered to your full scope of practice.
Not as part of the SBDN policy.