POST NOMINALS & Membership Credentials

Annual Update: V9

Dental nurses are often unsure what their postnominals are on gaining qualification/becoming a General Dental Council registrant. What is paramount is that you do not mislead the public. The registrable title is ‘Dental Nurse’, this is a protected title and can only be appled to a dental nurse who is registerd with the dental regulator in the United Kingdom. The title ‘Registered Nurse’ is a protected title of general nursing by registration, not dental nursing. Dental Nursing is a given title by registration only.

The Society on launching (2015), with advice and guidance and from earlier discussions with professional bodies and the GDC, as mandatory registration unfolded (the gateway of 2006 – 2008), produced its guidance on postnominals and membership credentials and has year on year made the necessary amendments.

It is important to note that no matter what title is assumed, the formal title of any dental nurse is as prescribed by the regulator ‘Dental Nurse’ and there is no intention to change this, as per the extensive work dating back to the Nuffield Report in 1993 right up to 2008 when registration became mandatory, as did having a qualification.

The Society have over the years made clear the postnominals of dental nurses by their qualification, in line with the approved courses identified on the General Dental Council approved courses list and the GDC guideance on advertising document (2013). The Society do not list work-based titles, as there as so many variations, they only apply the registrable title of dental nurse and identify the primary qualification. The document pictured below makes clear the primary qualification postnominals and provides the membership credentials that are awarded to SBDN members. We do encourage dental nurses to use their credentials, but wisely.

All dental nurses are reminded that post nominals should not mislead the public as per GDC guidance (2013) … If dental nurses are using letters other than qualifications, such as honorary degrees, fellowhips and memberships this must be apparent so that they are not mistaken for qualifications by the public. For those not on the specialist list, you must not refer to yourself as a ‘specialist’, but rather specialising in, having a specialist interest in, experienced in or practice limited to… Read more here

The Society are very happy to discuss this excellent and well received continuous piece of work, however we must remind you that the Society follow the GDC guidelines and only apply terms and titles that are designated by registration i.e. dental nurse. The Society are happy to discuss wider qualifications that have been granted and approved by an educational authority and of course local level awards, as we strive to promote development and progression and equity of opportunity. The Society are also very mindful that development and progression is not always aligned to qualifications and celebrate successes of all kinds. You may have seen the odd post from the team ‘Not all heroes wear capes’ because we acknowledge that it is not all about qualifications – another topic for another post!