Time for the Dental Shows

Many of you like to gather together, listen to some ECPD and look at new equipment and learn new techniques. You may recall an old article that Fiona Ellwood wrote on Show Etiquette and we thought we would revisit it, after an experience at the end of the show season in 2023 when a couple of individuals arrived at the SBDN stand and openly started helping themselves to the merchandise – the fabulous mugs and beakers and were most put out when they were told they were not ‘freebies’. Huge thank you to Dental Nursing for publishing this in 2017.

So, lots’s to think about – merchandise is costly and is either for sale or within the membership guidelines an initial gift from SBDN and other professional groups are often the same. The last thing we want to do is to help perpetuate the reputation of dental nurses helping themselves to everything at shows, what we want to do is part of the movement who dispels that dreadful myth. See you there.