The Society run an annual survey against the backdrop of a wonderful piece of research undertaken in 2012. It is important to us to understand the complexities of the dental nursing clinical landscape, as well as the academic field. Others have this year followed but in all honesty we believe having looked at the responses over the years, that investment would be best placed on solutions not continuing to tell us what we have known for many years.
None of the findings are likely to come as a surprise, although there are some significant areas that warrant our time and consideration when palnning next years survey. To get greater responses from the other nations is a real positive and to understand the agency landscape further has been helpful. You will have heard the Society ‘kick back’ at the mere mention of retention, why- Well those of you who are familiar with the public health analogy you will understand the ‘Upstream’ thinking model. The Society do feel very strongly that we spend so long in the space of ‘downstream’ thinking (retention) and too little time in the upstream space (working conditions) and have to ask why we continue to do this.
The overview of the report can be accessed below: